Doing a Doctoral 180 is a 3-module course that will show you exactly how to audit your doctoral program, help you develop and inhabit a dope doctoral mindset, and teach you to become a doctoral BOSS!

I've been coaching doctoral students for over 8 years, and many STRUGGLE with preventing the downward-spiral in which their programs are going, because they lack the tools, the accountability, and the strategies to do so. 

I will teach you how to turn your doctoral studies around. I will show you how to take control of your program again, gain momentum, and up-level your doctoral mindset with easily implemented strategies.

In this course, you will definitely Do a "Doctoral" 180!


Here's Exactly What You're 

Going to Learn:

MODULE 1: Audit Your Doctoral Program 

 In this module, you will learn how to conduct an audit of your doctoral program to determine what is and isn't working so that you can begin to make the much-needed changes. You will be guided on how to create A STRATEGIC PLAN THAT WORKS, one that is based on your short and long-term objectives and goals, and informed by a realistic understanding of how much time you actually have to achieve them. Plus, you will also get my never-failed-me-yet go-to strategy of the “Intentional ‘No'" and learn the Art of Productive Procrastination. 

MODULE 2: Inhabit a Dope Doctoral Mindset 

STOP saying you can't do it! In this module, we will dispel the notion of a WORK/LIFE BALANCE in order to help you PRIORITIZE who and what is important and thereby DECREASE your level of STRESS. You will learn how to overcome your FEAR OF FAILURE and get comfortable with the IMPOSTOR SYNDROME (because it never leaves, and that's okay). You will learn how to FIND YOUR VOICE in terms of your scholarship, REKINDLE your passion for your doctoral pursuit, and clearly articulate your WHY. By implementing these strategies, you will begin to EXUDE A DOPE DOCTORAL MINDSET.


     MODULE 3: Become a Doctoral BOSS

You've got to know how to TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR PROGRAM. In this module, you will learn how to be your own BEST SELF-ADVOCATE, saying what you want and asking for what you need. You will be taught how to set deadlines, and know how to REASSESS and PRESS when they aren't met. You will learn how to be at-the-ready to state WHAT you're working on, WHY, and FOR WHOM, when opportunities arise. These are BOSS MOVES, and you will learn how to make them. 

Doing a “Doctoral” 180 Includes:


 3 RECORDED Zoom Training Modules with Doctoral Coach Shanell T. Smith, Ph.D.

Examples, Templates & Resources to Help You Implement the Training Right Away

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens after I purchase the course?

A: Once you complete your payment, you will be sent a welcome email with your course access details.

Q: What phase of the doctoral program will this training work for?

A: This in-depth training is designed for doctoral students in any phase of the program who want to begin making immediate progress. My step-by-step process is easily implemented at any level. 

Q: What if I have questions during or after the course?

A: Contact Shanell T. Smith, Ph.D. at [email protected] to discuss your options.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: Because this is a digital program, this purchase is NON-REFUNDABLE. Refunds will not be granted under any circumstances. I know that if you do the work, you will see results!


"I can't say enough about the fantastic work that Dr. Shanell T. Smith is providing to Ph.D. students.  I have used her services for two sessions, cover letter writing and mock interview & skills building. Not only does she provide her clients with concrete tools, but her encouragement and honesty are invaluable. The Ph.D. process has many phases, all of which are nerve wrecking in one way or another. Dr. Smith's calm and professional demeanor offers an assurance that with hard work and her techniques, clients can complete/engage their tasks with confidence. Thank you Dr. Smith, I count you among my team of supporters, mentors and Maker of Scholar-Professionals!"

-Malene Minor Johnson  

"Before I worked with Dr. Smith, I didn't know how to think about a dissertation--what it should look like, how to plan it out, etc... As a result of our coaching sessions, I've been able to frame up what needs to be done in a tidy fashion that gets me on the road to finishing my program as soon as possible. I unreservedly recommend Dr. Smith for anyone who wants great advice and encouragement in charting the course of their next steps in their doctoral program." 

-Chauncey Handy

As a doctoral candidate, I hit a wall in my writing and was frustrated with not knowing how to proceed. Dr. Smith thought through practical approaches with me that helped me to identify the areas of my research planning, outlining, and my schedule that I needed to address and helped me come up with practical solutions. With her insight and with her as a source for accountability, I ended up doing more work in six months on my dissertation than I had done in the previous one and a half years. Her method enabled me to re-identify my passion for my research and to pursue it with joy and purposefulness, knowing I had her help if things got murky again, as well as her encouragement. I highly recommend Dr. Smith and her services!”

– Elyse Ambrose, Ph.D.

You can earn your doctorate without putting your life on hold! I can show you how.